Atlantic City FC falls to Torch FC 3-2

Atlantic City FC

Atlantic City FC kicked off their road trip with a loss to the Torch FC 3-2 in Perkasie, PA at Pennridge High School. The Torch FC got on the board first in the 14th minute when Matheus Goveia shot one passed Barone to make it 1-0. The Torch FC would get another goal in the 26th minute when Brad Bennions split the Aces defense on a breakaway and picked his shot to extend the lead to 2-0.

A penalty kick was awarded to Atlantic City FC in the 36th minute, Midfielder Joao Brum took the kick and converted it to cut the Torch FC lead to 2-1 heading to halftime. With this latest goal, Joao Brum now has four goals for the season tied with Alex Satrustegui.

The Aces didn’t waste any time in the second half when in the 46th minute, David Nigro intercepted goalkeeper Alexander Knepper’s pass and shot one right passed him to tie the game up at 2-2. Matheus Goveia was red-carded in the 52nd minute and was out the rest of the game.

Atlantic City FC Striker Alex Satrustegui had an opportunity to put the Aces in the lead, but he shot one right over the crossbar. The Torch FC would take back the lead in the 69th minute as Brantley Bice scored on a breakaway to make it 3-2.

The Aces made one last attempt to tie the game, but Sebastian Capozucchi was red-carded in the 90th minute as time expired. Atlantic City FC would lose this game to Torch FC 3-2.

With this loss, the Aces now drop to 2-2-1 on the season. The Aces continue their road trip Wednesday night in Holmdel, NJ to take on New Jersey Copa at the St. John Vianney High School with the kickoff set for 8 pm.

About Michael Heilman 6213 Articles
My name is Michael Heilman. I'm the Founder of BGMSportsTrax. An independent blog dedicated to covering regional and national sports, while presenting commentary on sports-related stories.