Calgary Stampeders and Edmonton Elks Injury Report

Calgary Stampeders and Edmonton Elks

The Calgary Stampeders and the Edmonton Elks released their injury reports ahead of Thursday night’s game at 9 pm on ESPN+.

In Calgary, the Stampeders will not have wide receiver Richie Sindani (hamstring) and offensive lineman Hugh Thornton (healthy scratch). Meanwhile, quarterback Bo Levi Mitchell (foot), defensive backs Tre Roberson (shoulder), and Elie Bouka (hamstring) are playing Thursday night.

In Edmonton, the Elks will not have fullback Tanner Green (core muscle), while Charles Nelson (knee), offensive lineman Cole Nelson (hand), and linebacker Adam Konar (knee) are playing Thursday night.

Calgary Stampeders

QBBo Levi MitchellFootIn
WRRichie SindaniHamstringOut
OLHugh ThorntonHealthy ScratchOut
DBTre RobersonShoulderIn
DBElie BoukaHamstringIn
PCody GraceRT GroinIn

Edmonton Elks

QBTaylor CorneliusHealthy ScratchOut
FBTanner GreenCore MuscleOut
WRCharlie NelsonKneeIn
WRCaleb HolleyHealthy ScratchOut
OLTomas Jack-KurdylaHealthy ScratchOut
OLCole NelsonHandIn
DLMalik TyneElbowIn
LBDeon LaceyHealthy ScratchOut
LBAdam KonarKneeIn
LBTobi AntighaHealthy ScratchOut
About Michael Heilman 7581 Articles
My name is Michael Heilman. I'm the Founder of BGMSportsTrax. An independent blog dedicated to covering regional and national sports, while presenting commentary on sports-related stories.