Edmonton Elks and Winnipeg Blue Bombers Injury Report

Edmonton Elks vs. Winnipeg Blue Bombers
Edmonton Elks and Winnipeg Blue Bombers

The Edmonton Elks and Winnipeg Blue Bombers released their final injury reports ahead of Saturday night’s game at 7 pm on CFL+. Subscribe to Fubo to watch all of the 2023 CFL Season. Purchase CFL tickets today on StubHub and Viagogo.

Edmonton will miss defensive linemen J-Min Pelly (non-football related) and Cole Nelson (neck), linebacker Woodly Appolon (shoulder), and defensive backs Marcus Lewis (calf) and Jeremie Dominique (ankle).

The Blue Bombers will not have wide receiver Dalton Schoen (ankle), linebacker Shayne Gauthier (hip), and defensive back Demerio Houston (knee).

Edmonton Elks

OLBrett BoykoKneeIn
DLJ-Min PelleyNon-Football RelatedOut
DLCole NelsonNeckOut
LBWoodly AppolonShoulderOut
LBNyles MorganHamstringIn
DBScott HutterShoulderIn
DBMarcus LewisCalfOut
DBJeremie DominiqueAnkleOut

Winnipeg Blue Bombers

WRDalton SchoenAnkleOut
DLJackson JeffcoatHipIn
LBShayne GauthierHipOut
DBDemerio HoustonKneeOut
DBBrandon AlexanderKneeIn
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My name is Michael Heilman. I'm the Founder of BGMSportsTrax. An independent blog dedicated to covering regional and national sports, while presenting commentary on sports-related stories.